Friday, June 1, 2012

This week in Science #15 ( final )

What I Did.

Building the tower
almost finished :)
This Week in Science we did a marshmallow challenge where we had to get back into our old groups from the beginning of the school year and re-do our marshmallow but as a milestone. Doing the Marshmallow challenge was hard and easy at the same time. It was hard because we could not communicate with our group members at first so we had to find a way to communicate with each other. But then it was easy because when we did the marshmallow challenge the second time it was more easier because we got to communicate. If  you look to the left and right you will see the marshmallow challenge pictures. Also This Week In Science we did a end of the year video blogpost called This Year In Science 10th grade intro video where we had make a video introducing our selves to the 10th grade teachers. For me making the video was a little hard for me because I kept messing up.

What I learned

What I Learned This Week In Science was that doing the Marshmallow challenge as a milestone was harder than before because when I got back into my old group I kind of forgot how to do the marshmallow challenge because its been so long that we havent done one. And also from the marshmallow challenge I learned that building a tower especially the one I did with my group was hard to make it stay in place. This Week In Science I learned that making a 10th grade intro video is not so hard because all you are doing is introducing yourselves to 10th grade teachers and telling them about alittle bit about yourselves. But for me making the video was so hard because I kept messing up, I was alittle bit nervous, and I didnt know what to say so it was a big process. Making a video is not all about being perfect is just about being yourself  and making it a great quality.

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